Helena Adams 13c

River shoot
I desaturated this shot in photoshop , it was more effective when the colours of the models face were muted against the green background. I intended the image to look soft like images from the Pre-Raphaelite era.

This photo was edited in photoshop to:
Have a black and white layer
Levels were used to lighten the yes of the model so they stood out expressively in from the face.
I used curves to increase the contrast of the shot and give it a "classical movie star" look.

This image is the closest to a traditional pictorialist image, mised with a Pre-Raphaelite set up. I used the veil seen in previous shots to distort the image by tying it over the lens.

This image was photoshopped in much the same way as the first image , however it is not as effective as there was alot of yellow in the background, which prevented me from defining the models freckles to the same extent as the first shot.

This image was an experiment to see how well i could convey Ophelias mental state through editing. I used a motion blur to distort a copy of the background , i then n rubbed out the blur around the model - trying to convey the idea that the world stays still during pivotal moments in ophelia life. I then reduced the sturation on the image and used a yellow filter to suggest the closeness of death - through the dull colours.