Helena Adams 13c
Feminine Madness
Set 1
These images depict five typefied examples of feminine madness: Disconnection, Hysteria , Intelligence, Sexual Deviancy and Assertiveness. to edit them I opened them in raw and incresed the clarity and contrast of each image, I then oppened them in photoshop and gave the photos a black and white layers - i brung in the models freckles using the red and yellow sliders , then used curves to increase contrast between the pale base of the skin and the darkenss of the freckles. I used levels to lighten the eyes so they stood out from the face.

Set 2
The second set is the same as the first but the pictures have colour filters that relate to the madness or emotion portrayed:
Fear/panic: Yellow
Erudite/intelligence: Purple
Lust: Red
Annoyance: Orange
Assertiveness : Green