Helena Adams 13c
Landscape Photography
An expanse of scenery - often natural , but not nessasarily.
Gustave le Grey
Gustave le grey was once called " the most important French photographer of the 19th century" because of his innovative use of cameras and his imaginative shots. He was born in paris in 1820 and trained as a painter - his seascapes show a skillful framing and excellent use of the sky in creating atmosphere.

Don McCullin
Don McCullin learned the art of photography whilst in the royal air force, he came to pursue photography as a career after hisw photos of a neighbourhood gang "the Guv'nors" were printed in a national newspaper. He went on to be an acclaimed conflict photographer - notably visiting Vietnam 3 times during the conflict , and taking some of the most recognisable photos of war , such as the "Shell Shocked soldier". McCullin now lives in somerset and shoots landscapes , his proximity to war throughout life has left him mentally scarred and his beautiful yet bleak images of landscapes invoke the anger and pain of war.

Kilian Schoenberger
Killian Schoenberger, is a colourblind German photograper, he is unable to distinguish green from red: violet from blue or magenta and grey. insted of seeing this as a dissadvantage, Schoenberger uses it to give his photographs a unique perspectives. Instead of looking for colours in the landscpe he lookes for shapes and patterns.giving his photos a unique twist.

Aliene Etchpeire
A French photogrpaher , born in 1965 , he discovered photography in 1985, after helping in a friends darkroom.His photos are empty and often black and qwhite - and his used of slow shutterspeeds on bodies of water give the pictures an incredibly smooth calm atmosphere.

Gustave Le Gray Artist Inspired

These photos were taken as inspiration from the ones by Gustave Le Gray.I wanted to emulate Le Grays emphasis on framing his sea pictures and as I didn't have any clounds to use as the focus of the photos i chose the flatness of the seas horison as my focus poin t - aiming to make exactly half the picture sea and half sky. Secondly I took the pictures at intervals throughout the day - at the times 8 , 12, 4 and 8 to show the evolution of the seascape throughout the day - giving the final peice a timeline feel. Lastly as seen in the second edit - i wished to give my final edit a sepia toning and vignettes to further immitate the tone and feel of Le Grays work.
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